At Fiction and Art Publishers where imagination takes on a life of its own. Launched with a true love for the power of words, we are a home for writers, voices, and ideas; our focus is on developing great authors, promoting diverse opinions and creating books that influence, enlighten, and entertain.
A Joint collaboration with “The Europe Today” since 2023
Books includes from emotional poetry collections to compelling novels, philosophical non-fiction to cheerful children’s books, our catalog is committed to a thought that stories are boundless in their ability to unite us all. Of course, the primary non-business vision that shapes our primary mission is a dedication to quality and innovative services. Developing a close cooperation with authors, we provide them with the necessary help starting from the manuscript stage till the final masterpiece which is reflected in every our book as the work of great artistry and maximal quality.


Book Publishing
We transform manuscripts into masterpieces that speaks and lives. At Fiction and Art Publishers all books are journeys and they are all worth a share.

Printing Solutions
Blessed with innovation to give life to your creations and perfect reproduction that delivers the value you seek in print media, we are proud to offer the following print services.

Captivating and inspiring minority communities in read/write web era, our e-Books solutions provide smooth content consumption across devices at any time.

Connecting cultures and touching hearts, we, provide publishing and eBook services in Urdu, English and Persian, honoring the beauty of words and world of books.

CEO Message
Here at Fiction and Art Publishers, we understand the importance of people’s ability to change. Books are not just words written on paper, they are links between generations, nations and souls. In this spirit of being a progressive and traditional company, we present our products available in Urdu, English and Persian languages to value the languages and visions of the world. Our mission is simple: to enlighten the speech, and to influence the thought and shape the artistic creations that will last in perpetuity. Regardless of the print or digital format of the project, all of the works that we embark on are emblematic of our determination of delivering, and ensuring quality, creativity, as well as mutual communication with readers globally. As always, thank you for being with us on this journey. Let’s write stories that still hold meaning today as they did in years past.
Warm regards,
Fatima Tuz Zehra
CEO, Fiction and Art Publishers
Our features includes: Multilingual Publishing, Print Excellence, E-Book Services, Customized Designs, Editing & Proofreading and Innovative Solutions.


Customized Designs

Innovative Solutions